Mijn missie
Helping You Shine
Quotes en andere lichtjes voor op je pad:
Blauwdruk sessie
Kijk bij 'Wat bied ik' om meer informatie te vinden. Een Blauwdruksessie biedt je de kans meer focus te leggen op je talenten en zicht te krijgen op wat je tegenhoudt.
'Eigen koning worden. Zoektocht naar de alchemie van alledag' schreef ik om je een inzage te geven in hoe ik zelf op zoek ben naar de gouden momenten, de pareltjes in ons leven -niet altijd de leuke gebeurtenissen!- die ons kunnen helpen.
Het boek is uitverkocht! Wie weet komt er een herdruk; laat me vooral hier weten als je nieuwsgierig bent :) |
Vrouwen die je voorgingen
'Wat een bijzondere manier om een inkijk te krijgen in je persoonlijk blauwdruk! Marjolein weet in te voelen wat er van belang is en legt het ook zo uit dat je er iets mee kúnt. Kippenvel, nu nog steeds. Want wat er uit zo'n sessie is gekomen heeft me geholpen om mezelf en de keuzes die ik maak (of te maken heb) beter te snappen. Hoe zaken met elkaar samenhangen, wat belangrijk is en wat valkuilen zijn: alles komt aan bod. Dank je wel, Marjolein!' |
'Our session was much more valuable than I could ever have imagined. I gained lots of recognition, self esteem and thrust in my objectives in this life. #keepupthegoodwork!'
'Have you ever thought: my life needs to be completely different and then got stuck because it felt too big and too scary?
I told you that ALL my Brave Leap clients are truly brave action-takers, Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens is Next Level Brave! For years, Marjolein and her husband had a calling to change the world. So they both wrote and published a book. But they knew their calling was larger than their books.
Marjolein combined her pretty impressive job in a large hospital with building her business. She explored her calling and her Zone of Genius because she knew that she was being called to make a profound difference.
So Marjolein did what many dream about but few actually do. She changed everything. She quit her job (goodbye safety net), sold her beautiful house, and moved her family to Basel, Switzerland (farewell Netherlands) and everything happened within months!
So if you ever feel stuck, have a deep longing to be the change you want to see, but feel that your circumstances (and your beliefs) prevent you from taking the big leap, Marjolein is the one who can guide you. '
I told you that ALL my Brave Leap clients are truly brave action-takers, Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens is Next Level Brave! For years, Marjolein and her husband had a calling to change the world. So they both wrote and published a book. But they knew their calling was larger than their books.
Marjolein combined her pretty impressive job in a large hospital with building her business. She explored her calling and her Zone of Genius because she knew that she was being called to make a profound difference.
So Marjolein did what many dream about but few actually do. She changed everything. She quit her job (goodbye safety net), sold her beautiful house, and moved her family to Basel, Switzerland (farewell Netherlands) and everything happened within months!
So if you ever feel stuck, have a deep longing to be the change you want to see, but feel that your circumstances (and your beliefs) prevent you from taking the big leap, Marjolein is the one who can guide you. '